In the age of technology and convenience, use of Do It Yourself hardware and electric tools at home is becoming increasingly limited. It is extremely important to have a certain number of tools in your place of residence. Reason for that being that there would often be situations where you need something to be repaired quickly. In these situations, it is often not feasible to call for the repairman, either because of the time constraint or because of certain financial reason.
DIY tools can help you repair general stuff like faucet leaks, switch board repair, fixing furniture or repairing your typical electronic stuff. In order to get these things taken care of properly you need the help of the right tool for the right occasion. So, while there are a lot of DIY tools that one must have at Home, we are going to list 7 DIY Tools that cover a wide range of solutions and can be wholly essential in your everyday life.
- Plier
There are a lot of things that can provide you a handsfree experience, but pliers are perfect if you want to hold smaller things and hold them in place. It is quite effective with different types of wires and even nuts and sockets that are too small to be handled with things like wrenches. Pliers really come in handy in trying to twist together wires and holding them in place in a neat way.
- Flashlight
Because of the advent of technology and a lot of phones having their own flashlights, they might not seem like a high priority in having it in home. However, it is often not feasible to hold your smartphone to provide lights for checking stuff in places that can damage it by dropping it. Also, proper flashlights have better handles that make them more ergonomic to hold while you are working. There are some who even use helmet flashlights which can provide you with an even easier experience and you would not need anybody else to hold the light while you do your work.
- Tape
Just having a regular scotch tape in handy can often be a quick fix for a lot of problems. Just the other day I wanted to fix my own charging cable to my laptop in order to avoid it getting loose because a dead battery. There are so many situations where you might need a tape and you won’t even realize it. There are several different types of tapes you can have. Duct tape can hold a lot of things in place for example because of the extra tensile strength.
- Screws and Nails
Nails and screws, you can even include things like sockets and bits here, are also really helpful in carrying out mini projects or fixing stuff that is important. There would be no using hammers or other tools without having the medium to apply them on and these are the DIY tools that allow you to.
Having something like an automated tool set from Black and Decker can provide you with a lot of these stuff along with wrenches, which incidentally are the next must have DIY Tools in the list.
- Wrenches
Wrenches can help out a lot. They are sort of like a magic tool that can help you maintain the overall condition of everyday stuff in your hope. Be it pipes, small hardware appliances, sinks, knobs…wrenches become a very essential tool to have because of the range of stuff it covers.
- Screwdriver
When you do any type of must have DIY tools, Screwdriver is right up there. That is because whether there are small or bigger screws, and regardless of the appliance or project you are working on or need to repair, a screwdriver will come in handy. Mostly the screws are used in assembling or disassembling items. It is that nature of the screwdriver usage that makes it so vital when it comes to carrying out projects or repairing stuff around the house.
However, screwdrivers themselves have a large variety. These can come in terms of sizes and then there are varieties in the mouth of the screw as well. So, people start to need multiple screwdrivers. Due to technology, there is a workaround this. There are cordless screwdriver sets like Black & Decker A7145-GB, that come along with accessories to fit your every need.
- Hammer
There is a reason why Bob the Builder carries a hammer. It is one of the most versatile tools one can have when you talk about DIY tools. If you need to nail something to the wall, you need a hammer. If you want to attach two pieces of furniture together, you need a hammer. Heck, if you even need to take things apart, a hammer is your best friend. That is why hammer makes the top of our Must Have DIY Tools list.